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  • Why there are always many very attractive low prices offer for DCEC engines in China?

    You are here: Home » News » Technical Articles » Why there are always many very attractive low prices offer for DCEC engines in China?

    Over 10 people from two companies that manufacturing copy DCEC engines has been caught and putted in jail by policeman in Xiangyang city, where DCEC engine factory located. It is reported as news on CCTV and you can check the video with EMAC translated on Youtube: https://youtu.be/x7BBibueqPE

    Famous for supplying high value for money DCEC engines manufactured in China, Chinese companies are able to provide good option for customers all over the world, but also the law protection for companies and customers are very weak in China. There are thousands of people sitting in the home working on computer and doing so-called international business, if you search on B2B websites, you will find over hundreds companies can selling DCEC engines or spare parts.

    Actually most of the companies, which activity on internet only, never show up themselves to customers, working like hackers, just attractive customers by extremely low prices, and in the end supplying copy or recondition engines, engine parts and generators set.

    DCEC was the first international engine enterprise to enter the Chinese market which started running by the year of 1996. Over the last 20 years thousands of people have worked for DCEC, some of them quited to set up small workshops or assembly factories focusing on producing copy DCEC engines. As everybody knows, price is never a problem for Chinese supply companies, this leads to several different product quality standards of DCEC engines available in Chinese market.

    • GE (Genuine brand new Engine) which is manufactured by DCEC factory in China (joint venture with USA company), the quality standard is strictly following USA factory. The price is less than a UK or USA branded product.

    • AG (Assembled with Genuine parts) these are fake engines. Some companies in China(even some official authorized companies of DCEC) assemble engines themselves, they use genuine parts, but the assembly process is all done by hand with experience, they don’t follow any standard quality control like the official DCEC factory does.

    • AO (Assembled with OEM/After-market parts) these are fake engines with worse quality. The price is always very attractive, most engine parts are after-market, this type of engines is very popular in Hubei province, In Shiyan city, the companies there even making complete copy Dongfeng trucks, which reported by CCTV about 5 years ago. Most companies are small with only 2-3 unskilled workers. This group of companies give Chinese DCEC engines real bad name.

    • RE (Recondition Engine) there are also many companies using second hand parts, such as repaired cylinder blocks, reground crankshafts, reconditioned cylinder heads and rebuilt fuel injection pumps, and DCEC factory has official RECON long block, but only allowed for replacement purpose with clearly marking of RECON. But some of companies in China buy RECON long block and put the outer accessories to make it a new DCEC engines. What’s worse is, some of the lowest quality DCEC engines will be all refurbish products, major components are from very bad condition damaged engines, and then refurbish it as new engines.

    There are lots of Hongkong registered companies running in China without any proper office and don’t have any registered company in China, but put a Chinese address(People can put any words and pictures on their website if they want, there is no limited or control with that), then, making a nice website by putting a lot of fake pictures, fake pictures for office, for it’s sales team, fake projects pictures, steal pictures and products information from other companies. With Photoshop, they can make everything looks so good! Most of them are just 2 or 3 persons working in home, just do business by giving out extremely low prices and always attracted lots of customers, after got deposit from customer with unhealthy prices that impossible to offer genuine products, they have many options as below:

    a. Cheat deposit: Promise customer will deliver goods and delayed for many times with hundreds of different excuses, 3-6 months later, after chasing the goods for over 10 emails, you will realiaze that you couldn’t contact the supplier, because they already gone! This kind of suppliers in China just change mobile number, telephone number and register a new company build new website, start another new cheating again, and they might been millioners already by cheated few of customers’ deposit.

    b. Supply Extremelly Low Quality Products: They will send you picture of goods, all looks good from outside appearance(They are willing to spend money on painting and do nice job with outside looking details), after you paid balance and got the goods, you will have big trouble when you actually try to run the genset.

    c. Supply you good quality products and investment for future cheaing: From a Singapore customer saying” I have been dealed with over 30 Chinese suppliers, none of them are not trying to cheat me by supplier lower quality products in later on deal”, some of the suppliers give you good deal for the first time(normally first deal with trial order, so always the quantity can’t be very big), which wins your trust and you place more orders later on, and then you will reliaze the quality problems with later on deal, 20% counterfeits products, 30%….80%…100%. The rate of counterfeits good are raising fast to make extra moeny, and you will reliaze that your troubles is just starting!

    Above is most common cheating cases happening everyday now between the international trading of foreigner companies and Chinese companies. Actually Chinese government is working together with all embassies of foreigner countries in China, to control this copy DCEC engine international business, it is also said will report all the information to foreigner governments for all the importers who connected with the companies selling or manufacturing fake DCEC engines, so it is very risky if all importers still doing business with copy engines, parts and generators. Please be away from copy low quality DCEC engine, parts and generators, this will end up all your business and ruin your life in the end!

    Focus on supplying genuine brand new engine and parts manufactured by DCEC, CCEC, EMAC always put quality first and always be a reliable partner for all overseas companies, for more of our group company information, you are welcome to visit www.emac.cc. Please feel free to contact me if there are any other questions and welcome all customers from all over the world to send us inquiries.

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